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From the Pastor’s Pen:
“Practicing the Gospel”
Zachery Byrd

“And looking about at those who sat around him, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of God, he is my brother and sister and
(Mark 3:34-35)
One joy of being a Southerner is that exquisite joy of youth - Vacation Bible School. Oh, we all have drank the sugary Kool-Aid, haven’t we? We have all ate the store-bought cookies, sang the fun songs, and heard the old gospel story. Rarely do I meet a Southerner that doesn’t know something about the Bible.
Each Sunday, men and women exchange their Kool-Aid for coffee and sing the same ol’ hymns and hear of the same ol’ gospel story. If they are Baptists, they can recite the Roman Road. If they are Presbyterian, they can defend TULIP from the Bible. They know, but there is one fatal flaw. Many know, few do. Many make great and grandiose professions, but few actually practice.
In our passage today, Jesus states plainly that Christianity is a faith of doers. Yes, yes - we are saved by grace alone through faith alone by Christ alone. Amen! But as John Calvin said, “We are saved by faith alone, but the faith that saves is never alone.” In Titus 3, grace flows from Paul’s lips like an ever-flowing stream. “God saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to His own mercy.”
What should be the response to such? Paul says those who believe in what God has done will “devote themselves to good works.” The question is simple - are we practicing what we preach? Are we living like our Savior who “went about doing good”? (Acts 10:38)
When Jesus and the disciples were tired from a long week and were bombarded by the multitudes, what did Jesus do? Complain about being tired? Hole up in his air-conditioned living room and “veg-out” in front of His 72” LED TV? No! “He welcomed them and spoke to them of the kingdom of God and cured those who had need of healing.” (Luke 9:11)
R.L. Dabney reflects on the rise of the Sons of Temperance movement and the “Young Men’s Christian Association.” We could add to it the list the numerous para-church organizations - CRU, Serge, G4, and countless homeless shelters. In his reflection, he states: “Had Christians acted on Christ’s plan in the church, there would have been no need for such a society, because the church itself would have been found the best and sufficient ‘Christian association.’ The church may, perhaps, thank them under the circumstances, that they are piously striving to supply her lack of service.
But it is a crying evidence of her misunderstanding and neglect of her divine plan, that outside agencies should have to be patched up by human invention to do her work.” Let this be a clarion call, that those who profess the gospel should begin practicing the gospel.