P.O. Box 729-110 Pt. Gibson St. - Raymond, MS 39154
(601) 783-2441
Raymond News
Mary Adams Kuhn
We are finally getting some rain in Raymond. It has been so very hot and dry. The rain is supposed to continue off and on all week. I certainly hope so.
Dr. Camp Hand, son of John and Ginny Milano Hand and grandson of Puddin’ Milano received the 2021 Outstanding Extension Publication award from the American Society of Horticultural Science. The Extension Publication Award, established in 1996, recognizes the author(s) of the outstanding paper on horticultural extension, published in the previous year’s issues of The Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, HortScience, or HortTechnology. Congratulations Camp.
RHS Class of ‘68 locals gathered at B-Town in Bolton on July 30, 2022. Those attending were Buddy and Jolene Goode Holliday, Karen Pennebaker Mason, Shirley Brewer Williams, Tina and Wayne Cranford, Richard and Lou Ann Mellon, John and Mary Etta Peyton Purvis Naftel, Janice Henry Nail, Mary Beth White, Jackie and Andy Allen, Dale Wright, Ben White, Jimmy Cox. It looked like a good time was had by all.
The ‘59ers, girls from the class of ‘59 met on the first Thursday of August. I was not able to attend this one, but certainly hope to make the September meeting. Some time my back cooperates and some time it just doesn’t. When the back acts up it is difficult for me to Participate in things.
On Saturday we held a baby shower here for my granddaughter, Erin Boerema and her life partner, Josh Pittman. We are expecting a little girl in early September, but Erin will not tell us her name yet. Mary’s friend, Dennis Holmes made all the wonderful food. I supplied the flowers and cake, although Mary and granddaughter, Victoria had to get it all put together for me.
School has started and I am really enjoying seeing all the pictures of kids starting their school year. I love the little one starting kindergarten and putting on a board what they want to be when they are grown up. Colleges and universities start classes next week. Our Victoria will be starting her senior year at State and grandson, Nick will be a sophomore at Hinds.
There are still cases of COVID around. This pesky disease just refuses to go away. If you haven’t been vaccinated for COVID, you should be; and do not forget to get your flu vaccination.
Happy Birthday next week to: 8/12/2022 Dara Newman, John Culpepper, Alyssa Milton Haupt; 8/13 Julia Muse Cole, Irene Bishop, Cecil Allen, Jr., Al Hubbard; 8/14 Chuck Jennings, Graham Raffaelle; 8/15 Leslie Allen; 8/16 Alex Rosamond, Matthew Myers; 8/17 Abigail Korlath, Tommi Jordan, Russell Shaw; 8/18 Dwayne Brewer.
Happy Anniversary to: 8/16/2022 Hiram and Mary Ann Gatewood; 8/17 Bill and Bobbie Davis.