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Felder’s Mix & Match Shrubs



Felder Rushing

Dilemma: Do I replace the big shrubs that succumbed to severe weather with more of the same, or go with something different?

I’m not really a garden gambler; the scientist in me understands that ongoing world-wide climate changes affect local weather patterns, and who knows what that may trend. And though I do experiment a bit, I’m cautious about investing money, effort, time, and hope on iffy plants, making me think twice about what I shove into my garden’s dirt.

Luckily, I don’t worry a . . .

Terry News



Carolyn Clements

A group of Terry and Raymond High School students just returned from Orlando, FL. They attended the TSA Competition and competed with schools from all across the nation. They enjoyed going to “Mid-Evil Times” dinner theater. The chaperone was Julie Ingram-Clements. Julie teaches Business, Marketing and Finance at both schools. This was a great experience for the students and will have memories they will never forget from this trip.

There will be an upcoming election in the Town of Terry fo . . .

Mississippi’s Ports Are Crucial
to State’s Success



Mac Gordon

Since March, when a massive cargo ship severed the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, resulting in the deaths of seven workers and a slowdown in ocean freight arriving in the U.S., this country’s port cities have been riding a mixture of good and bad news.

Usually when we encounter news about the ports system, it involves accidents like that one.

In Mississippi, general knowledge of our 17 seaport and riverport operations remains on the back burner when discussing the state’s economic d . . .

From the Pastor’s Pen:



Zachery Byrd

Let me ask a question - who remembers the burning of Cain Hall in 1998? I hear tell that it was a beautiful building, historic building, absolutely lovely building. The night it caught fire, my friends watched with horror as grand pianos crashed from floor-to-floor and fire transformed all that was beautiful to ash. As this happened, do you know what onlookers did? They wept. Dr. Clyde Muse said: “Many students and families stood and watched the old building burn, and we shed tears like we were . . .

48 hours in Grapevine: ‘Christmas Capital of Texas”
is the perfect getaway



Kara Kimbrough

FAMOUS TEXAS DESTINATIONS-- Gaylord Texan’s massive atrium is a wonderland of lights, flowers, trees and replicas of famous Texas attractions like The Alamo.

Describing the unique features and sights of charming Grapevine, Texas in a few hundred words is an impossible task. Visiting the city on the outskirts of Dallas was an enjoyable, eye-opening experience that left me wanting to return.

I knew little about Grapevine before I arrived to spend a whirlwind 48 hours with writers and tourism o . . .

Discipleship, Evangelism Conference for Youth Leaders Makes Summer ‘Super’ at Mississippi College



Super Summer can be a life-changing experience for students seeking to grow as personal discipleship, evangelism and apologetics leaders.

Super Summer made absolutely no sense to Justin Cobb.

After earning his Bachelor’s in business administration at Mississippi College, Cobb was serving as a student minister at Park Place Baptist Church in Pearl when he first learned about the Christian discipleship and evangelism leadership conference at his alma mater.

Super Summer had a proven track re . . .

Twists & Turns:
Oh Dear! Where Are My Glasses!



Judy Causey Love

A most dreadful thing happened recently, and I am still in recovery mode! I misplaced my glasses! And no, they were not on my head. I checked there first!

For those of you good people who do not need such sight enhancers perched on your nose, this can be a nerve shattering event.

I naturally checked the nightstand beside the bed where they usually lie, within easy reach in the mornings. Nope. Not there. I then pulled open the drawer to check in case I had, for some dumb reason, locked them . . .

Outbreak of Variable Oak Leaf Caterpillar & Hypoxylon Canker Threatens Central Mississippi Oaks



A significant outbreak of variable oak leaf caterpillar, coupled with the presence of hypoxylon canker, which is a fungus that negatively affects growth and can eventually lead to the death of weak or diseased host trees, has been reported in several cities in or near Central Mississippi, including the Flora, Pocahantas, and Raymond areas. This dual threat poses a serious risk to the health of oak and other hardwood trees in the area. Russell Bozeman, MFC State Forester, declares, “We are aware . . .

From the Pastor’s Pen:



Zachery Byrd

“But whoever blasphemes against the
Holy Spirit
never has
but is guilty
of an eternal sin”- for they were saying,
‘He has an unclean spirit.’”
(Mark 3:29-30)

Oh, how this passage has troubled a many of souls! As it should. Sin is nothing to trifle with, and our society stands to take sin more seriously. To do just that, let us ask exactly what is happening in this passage.The Pharisees watched Jesus’ miracles being worked in the power of the Holy Spirit, and they heard Jesu . . .

Felder’s Bizarre Critters



Felder Rushing

Don’t look too closely at a cicada, whose lurid red eyes are downright nightmarish.

Cicadas are truly odd critters, living underground for years as soft, thumb-size grubs, only to emerge with hard-shell exoskeletons and brittle wings for a few days of rattling out raspy mating songs before becoming fodder for birds and possums… what a life.

But while discussing them on the radio the last week I got stumped good and proper by someone asking me what the weirdest creature is I have ever com . . .

Terry News



Carolyn Clements

The Friends of Terry hosted a sold out event at the Terry Depot on Friday. Tickets went so fast for the evening performance that it was necessary to add a matinee as well. The entertainer was Nick Perkins, an Elvis entertainer. Cars lined the street for the performances. It’s great to bring visitors to our town as the Dimmer Theater has done for many years.

Nick Perkins, entertainer, is only 25 years old and lives in Hammond, LA. He launched his career at the age of eighteen. In 2018 he . . .

Hinds CC Offering New Electrical Line Worker Program



Registration is now open for Hinds Community College’s new Electrical Line Worker program on the Raymond Campus in fall 2024.

The 16-week electrical line worker program will be an intensive training course designed to prepare students for careers in the electrical utility industry. The classes will be offered Monday through Friday in the fall and spring with an enrollment capacity of 16 students per semester.

“Hinds is offering this program in response to the electrical utility industry sa . . .


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